We collect and verify reviews directly from users on our website. We have also included results from around the Web to give you the clearest overall picture of how this provider performs.
by Dowdy500 on SeniorAdvice.com 05/14/2019
My wife is currently a rehab resident at York. Everyday I am greeted with a smile and immediately feel positivity. The interaction between staff, and staff and family is so close and great to see. Across the board this facility has been wonderful and very accommodating. The administrative, nursing and rehab staff truly care and try so hard. The facility is clean and I feel comfortable spending a great deal of time there. We have realistic expectations that hiccups will come along and I know they will be addressed. So far so good! Thank you to York!
by DREM on SeniorAdvice.com 05/14/2019
by Hello99 on SeniorAdvice.com 11/29/2018
Moms rehab stay was wonderful. If we ever have to do this again (hopefully not) we will only return to York. Everyone is very nice and caring. My sister and I received many updates from the nursing department and communication was good. The staff seem like they work well together which was refreshing. To the comment below, my mom had several of her items get mixed up in their laundry (just like you lose socks at home) and the staff quickly went searching and found them.
by none on SeniorAdvice.com 11/08/2018
Personal items disappeared and staff made no attempt to find them. Everything was well marked. Items missing included an electric fan, two blankets, feet to wheelchair, clothes. No one cared. Did not return phone calls.
Ratings and Reviews from Around the Web
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Breakdown of Results: | |
Overall Medicare Rating: | |
Medicare Health Rating: | |
Medicare Quality Rating: | |
Medicare Staff Rating (All Staff): | |
Medicare RN/Nurses Rating: | |