There are 20 respite care facilities serving Carlton, Minnesota. This includes 3 facilities in Carlton and 17 nearby. The average cost / day of senior respite care in Minnesota is about $331, with costs ranging between $203 and $518 per day. On a monthly basis, this equates to an average expense of $9,918, with costs ranging from around $6,090 to $15,530. The average yearly cost is $83,264, which is above the national average of $77,380.
Located within Carlton County, Carlton is a municipality in the State of Minnesota. It is part of the Duluth metropolitan area. The surrounding metropolitan area has 180,666 inhabitants, but there are just 3,281 living within the city. People 55 and over compose approximately 34% of the community.
Carlton has an above average SeniorScore™ of 74. The mean housing price in the city is $259,500, which is relatively higher than the Minnesota average of $211,500. Carlton also has an average unemployment rate of around 8.23%. The city's mean household income is $58,000 ($28,000 per capita), versus an average of $53,000 for the entire state of Minnesota.
Carlton has extreme average temperatures, with very cold winters and pleasant summers. The area receives ideal amounts of rainfall each year. In comparison to similarly-sized cities, Carlton has better than average air quality.