There are 7 respite care facilities serving El Campo, Texas. This includes 1 facility in El Campo and 6 nearby. The costs per day for short term respite care in Texas range from $136 to $377, with a median cost running about $202. The monthly cost averages around $6,047 and ranges between $4,089 and $11,310. On an annual basis, the average cost is around $50,735, which is below the US average of $77,380.
El Campo is a small city in Wharton County within the State of Texas. While the surrounding statistical area has 2,225,317 inhabitants, there are 17,054 within the city itself. Those who are over the age of 55 comprise around 25% of the total community.
El Campo has a moderate SeniorScore™ of 68. The mean home price in the city is $162,000, which is relatively higher than the Texas average of $142,500. El Campo also has a moderate unemployment rate of around 7.38%. The city's mean household income is $44,000 ($22,000 per person), versus the average of $47,000 for the whole of Texas.
El Campo has ideal average temperatures, with very mild winters and very balmy summers. The area gets heavy amounts of precipitation each year. In comparison to other cities, El Campo has a moderate crime rate and exceptional air quality.