There are 19 respite care facilities serving Mcminnville, Oregon. This includes 5 facilities in Mcminnville and 14 nearby. The costs per day of respite care in Oregon range from $223 up to $435, with an average cost running approximately $371. The monthly cost averages around $11,136 and ranges between $6,699 and $13,050. On a yearly basis, the median cost is about $93,258, which is higher than the US average of $77,380.
Mcminnville is a small city in the State of Oregon. It is located in Yamhill County. The surrounding statistical area contains 2,944,458 residents, but there are 36,141 residing within the city. Around 27% of the local residents are 55 and over.
The SeniorScore™ for Mcminnville is 64. The city has a median per capita income of $24,000. The mean household income is $45,000 in comparison to the average of $46,000 for the state of Oregon. The current unemployment rate is about 9.74% and the mean home price is $319,500, which is relatively less than the Oregon average of $322,500.
Mcminnville has moderate average temperatures, with moderate winters and calm summers. The area receives large levels of rainfall each year. Mcminnville has a low crime rate, lower than average water quality, and good air quality ratings in relation to other cities in the US.