There are 19 respite care facilities serving Rockford, Illinois. This includes 18 facilities in Rockford and 1 nearby. The daily costs of senior respite care in Illinois range from $167 up to $544, with a median expenditure running about $247. The monthly expense averages roughly $7,395 and ranges between $5,003 and $16,313. On an annual basis, the average cost is about $62,050, which is less than the US average of $77,380.
Rockford is a medium-sized city in the State of Illinois. It is located within Winnebago County. It is the third biggest city in Illinois. Though the city has 189,162 people, the surrounding statistical area includes a populace of 286,509. Those over the age of 55 constitute approximately 27% of the total population.
Rockford has a moderate SeniorScore™ of 68. The city's median household income is $42,000 ($23,000 per person), vs an average of $54,000 for the whole of Illinois. The median housing price in Rockford is $90,000, which is significantly less than the Illinois average of $187,500. Rockford has a high unemployment rate of around 12.81%.
Rockford has extreme average temperatures, with cold winters and mildly warm summers. The area gets average amounts of rainfall each year. Rockford has good air quality and a very high rate of crime in relation to other cities in the US.