There are 16 retirement homes serving Appleton, Wisconsin. This includes 5 in Appleton and 11 nearby. The daily costs of retirement home care in Wisconsin range from $17 up to $179, with a mean expense running around $71. The monthly expense averages about $2,117 and ranges between $501 and $5,362. Annually, the median cost is around $25,410, which is over the national average of $23,100.
Retirement home living costs in Appleton typically range from around $1,650 per month up to $3,163 per month, with a median cost of about $2,393 per month. That equates to an annual cost of $28,710.
Appleton is a mid-size city in Wisconsin. It is located in Outagamie County. With 116,633 inhabitants residing within the city itself and 195,033 in the encompassing statistical area, it is the 5th biggest city in the state. About 23% of the residents are over 55.
Appleton has a good SeniorScore™ of 75. The city has a mean per capita income of $28,000 and a mean household income is $57,000 (the Wisconsin state average is $52,000). The mean housing price in Appleton is $166,500, which is less than the Wisconsin average of $234,000. The city also has an average unemployment rate of around 5.72%.
Appleton has extreme average temperatures, with cold winters and calm summers. The city gets low levels of precipitation annually. Compared to other cities, Appleton has a moderate rate of crime and average air quality ratings.
Located at 1055 Jacobsen Rd, Geri-Care Cabin is a senior housing facility serving Neenah, Wisconsin. With a median household income of $59,893, the community is in a mostly middle income area. It is heavily populated, with about 44,000 ...
6 miles away from Appleton, WI