There are 16 retirement homes serving Bountiful, Utah. This includes 1 in Bountiful and 15 nearby. The daily costs of retirement home care in Utah range from $30 up to $115, with an average expense running approximately $56. The monthly expense averages about $1,683 and ranges between $907 and $3,437. On an annual basis, the median cost is around $20,202, which is below the nationwide average of $23,100.
Costs of retirement home living in Bountiful range between $1,100 per month and $2,464 per month. The median cost is around $1,705 per month, or around $20,460 annually.
Located in Davis County, Bountiful is a small city in the State of Utah. Though the city contains 44,821 inhabitants, the encompassing metro area contains a populace of 2,070,167. Approximately 26% of the local populace are 55 and over.
Bountiful has a good SeniorScore™ of 77. The city has an average per capita income of $30,000 and an average household income is $66,000 (the Utah state average is $54,000). The average home price in Bountiful is $183,000, which is much less than the Utah average of $271,500. Bountiful has an average unemployment rate of around 5.67%.
Bountiful has moderate average temperatures, with moderate winters and pleasant summers. The city gets optimal levels of rain each year. Compared to other American cities, Bountiful has average air quality and an exceptionally low rate of crime.