There are 12 retirement homes serving Carson City, Nevada. This includes 2 in Carson City and 10 nearby. The costs per day for retirment home living in Nevada range from $26 up to $103, with an average expense running about $60. The per month cost averages about $1,787 and ranges between $770 and $3,080. On an annual basis, the mean cost is around $21,450, which is below the nationwide average of $23,100.
The cost for retirement home living in Carson City ranges from as little as $1,623 per month all the way up to $3,239 per month. The median cost is around $2,090 per month, or about $25,080 per year.
Located within Carson City, Carson City is the capital city of Nevada. It is the sixth biggest city in Nevada. The surrounding statistical area contains 2,084,793 residents, but there are 61,818 residing in the city limits. Residents over the age of 55 compose 30% of the community.
Carson City has an above average SeniorScore™ of 70. The city has a median per capita income of $28,000 and a median household income is $54,000 (the Nevada state average is $49,000). The current unemployment rate is approximately 15.26% and the mean home price is $121,500, which is significantly less than the state average of $238,500.
Carson City has harsh average temperatures, with very cold winters and balmy summers. The area receives optimal amounts of precipitation each year. Carson City has below average air quality ratings and very low water quality in comparison to other cities.