There are 8 retirement homes serving Farmington, Maine. This includes 1 in Farmington and 7 nearby. Retirement home living costs in Maine range from around $59 to $147 per day, with a mean cost running about $91. The monthly expense averages about $2,722 and ranges between $1,760 and $4,422. Yearly, the mean cost is about $32,670, which is higher than the nationwide average of $23,100.
Located in Franklin County, Farmington is a small city in Maine. While the surrounding metropolitan area is home to 416,557 people, there are 9,869 living in the city limits. The 55+ community currently constitutes approximately 28% of the total population.
The SeniorScore™ for Farmington is 62. The city's mean household income is $37,000 ($21,000 on a per capita basis), in comparison to an average of $47,000 for the entire state of Maine. The mean housing price in Farmington is $187,500, which is less than the state average of $253,500. The city has an average unemployment rate of roughly 6.99%.
Farmington has extreme average temperatures, with severely cold winters and pleasant summers. The city gets large amounts of rain annually. Farmington has a low crime rate and better than average air quality compared to similarly-sized cities.