There are 20 retirement homes near Lenexa, Kansas. Retirement home care costs in Kansas range from about $31 up to $128 per day, with a median cost running about $68. The monthly expense averages roughly $2,051 and ranges between $935 and $3,836. Yearly, the median cost is about $24,618, which is over the national average of $23,100.
The cost of retirement home care in Lenexa, KS typically ranges from $765 per month to $4,028 per month. The average cost is around $1,869 per month, or about $22,424 per year.
Located within Johnson County, Lenexa is a small city in the State of Kansas. It is included in the Kansas City metropolitan area. While the encompassing metropolitan area is home to 692,675 residents, there are 46,932 residing in the city. Those who are over 55 compose approximately 25% of the total community.
The SeniorScore™ for Lenexa is 87. The city's mean household income is $82,000 ($38,000 on a per capita basis), in comparison to an average of $48,000 for the entire state of Kansas. The mean housing price in Lenexa is $292,500, which is significantly more than the Kansas average of $127,500. The city also has a moderate unemployment rate of roughly 5.14%.
Lenexa has tolerable average temperatures, with comfortable winters and pleasant summers. The area gets average levels of rainfall annually. In relation to other cities in the US, Lenexa has a very low rate of crime and average air quality.