There are 18 retirement homes serving Salinas, California. This includes 3 in Salinas and 15 nearby. Retirement home care costs in California range from about $18 up to $165 daily, with a median expense running about $69. The per month cost averages about $2,062 and ranges between $542 and $4,950. On a yearly basis, the median cost is around $24,750, which is over the national average of $23,100.
Costs of retirement home living in Salinas generally range between $1,925 per month and $3,781 per month. The median cost is $2,681 per month, or about $32,175 annually.
Salinas is a mid size city in Monterey County, California. Though the city itself contains 182,180 inhabitants, the encompassing statistical area includes a total population of 20,301,672. Residents who are 55 and over compose about 18% of the total population.
The SeniorScore™ for Salinas is 65. The city's median household income is $57,000 ($22,000 on a per capita basis), versus the average of $52,000 for the state of California. The median home price in Salinas is $331,500, which is somewhat lower than the state average of $451,500. Salinas also has a high unemployment rate of roughly 10.84%.
Salinas has mild average temperatures, with comfortable winters and temperate summers. The city gets optimal levels of rain each year. In relation to other cities, Salinas has average air quality and a higher than average crime rate.