There are 15 retirement homes serving Sylvania, Ohio. This includes 1 in Sylvania and 14 nearby. Retirement home living costs in Ohio range from around $25 up to $179 per day, with a mean expense running about $73. The per month cost averages roughly $2,184 and ranges between $761 and $5,379. Annually, the mean cost is about $26,205, which is greater than the US average of $23,100.
Costs for retirement home living in Sylvania, OH generally range between $1,760 per month and $2,834 per month. The median cost is $2,200 per month, or about $26,400 yearly.
Sylvania is a small city in Lucas County, Ohio. It is included in the Toledo metro area. The surrounding area contains 502,311 inhabitants, but there are 32,226 living inside the city limits. Those 55 and over make up approximately 28% of the community.
Sylvania has an excellent SeniorScore™ of 80. The city has a mean per capita income of $36,000 and a mean household income is $73,000 (the Ohio state average is $49,000). The current unemployment rate is about 7.38% and the mean home price is $268,500, which is significantly higher than the Ohio average of $177,000.
Sylvania has extreme average temperatures, with cold winters and pleasant summers. The city receives low levels of precipitation each year. Sylvania has a low rate of crime, average water quality, and below average air quality compared to other cities in the US.