There are 19 retirement homes serving Vancouver, Washington. This includes 9 in Vancouver and 10 nearby. Retirement home living costs in Washington range from around $18 to $165 daily, with an average expenditure running approximately $78. The per month cost averages roughly $2,337 and ranges between $550 and $4,950. On an annual basis, the median cost is around $28,050, which is over the national average of $23,100.
The cost for retirement home living in Vancouver generally ranges from around $1,248 per month to $3,192 per month. The median cost is approximately $2,455 per month, or around $29,454 annually.
Located within Clark County, Vancouver is a large city in the State of Washington. With 299,480 residents residing within the city itself and 5,380,824 in the surrounding metro area, it is the fourth largest city in Washington. Approximately 24% of the local populace are 55 and over.
Vancouver has a good SeniorScore™ of 72. The mean home price in the city is $237,000, which is somewhat lower than the state average of $325,500. Vancouver also has a high unemployment rate of around 10.55%. The city's mean household income is $56,000 ($27,000 per person), compared to an average of $51,000 for the whole of Washington.
Vancouver has medium average temperatures, with medium winters and calm summers. The city gets average levels of rain annually. In relation to other cities in the US, Vancouver has an average crime rate, above average air quality ratings, and low water quality.