Senior Apartments in Baton Rouge, Louisiana
There is 1 senior apartment in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Senior apartment costs in Louisiana range from around $30 to $84 daily, with a mean expense running approximately $46. The per month expense averages about $1,388 and ranges between $902 and $2,534. Annually, the mean cost is about $16,656, which is below the US average of $18,480.
Senior apartment costs in Baton Rouge typically range from $264 per month up to $1,901 per month, with a median cost of approximately $1,129 per month. That equates to a yearly cost of $13,543.
Baton Rouge is the capital city of Louisiana, located in East Baton Rouge Parish. It is included in the Baton Rouge metropolitan statistical area. It is the second biggest city in Louisiana, with 378,909 residents living inside the city limits and 604,489 in the encompassing metropolitan area. About 22% of the population are 55 and over.
Baton Rouge has a good SeniorScore™ of 77. The median housing price in the city is $91,500, which is much lower than the Louisiana average of $141,000. Baton Rouge has an average unemployment rate of approximately 8.1%. The city's median household income is $49,000 ($27,000 on a per capita basis), compared to the average of $41,000 for the whole of Louisiana.
Baton Rouge has ideal mean temperatures, with very mild winters and very warm summers. The city gets very heavy levels of precipitation each year. Baton Rouge has very low air quality ratings and a very high crime rate in relation to similarly-sized cities.
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