There are 15 senior apartments serving Bronx, New York. This includes 3 in Bronx and 12 nearby. The average cost per day for a senior apartment in New York is approximately $54, with costs running between $18 and $153 daily. On a per month basis, this equates to an average expense of $1,621, with costs ranging from around $535 to $4,582. The average yearly cost is $19,452, which is higher than the national average of $18,480.
Senior apartment costs in Bronx generally range from $1,443 per month to $4,422 per month, with a median cost of around $3,058 per month. That equates to an annual cost of around $36,696.
Bronx is a major city in Bronx County, New York. It is part of the New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island metropolitan area. With 1,382,480 residents residing within the city limits and 9,544,861 in the surrounding area, it is the 3rd biggest city in New York. Residents over 55 represent approximately 20% of the population.
The SeniorScore™ for Bronx is 64. The city has a mean per capita income of $18,000. The average household income is $36,000 in comparison to an average of $62,000 for the entire state of New York. The current unemployment rate is roughly 13.06% and the average home price is $511,500, which is more than the New York average of $328,500.
Bronx has moderate mean temperatures, with comfortable winters and mildly warm summers. The area receives heavy levels of precipitation annually. Bronx has very low air quality and moderate water quality in relation to other cities in the US.