There are 4 skilled nursing facilities serving Abingdon, Virginia. This includes 1 facility in Abingdon and 3 nearby. Skilled nursing costs in Virginia range from about $140 to $479 per day, with a median expenditure running around $253. The monthly expense averages roughly $7,596 and ranges between $4,212 and $14,364. Yearly, the average cost is about $91,152, which is below the US average of $91,584.
Skilled nursing costs in Abingdon, VA range from about $222 per day to $372 per day, with a median cost of about $260 per day. This equates to a yearly cost of $95,046.
Abingdon is a small city in the State of Virginia. It is located in Washington County and is part of the Kingsport-Bristol-Bristol metro statistical area. The surrounding metro area contains 70,282 people, but there are 26,762 residing in the city limits. About 33% of the residents are over the age of 55.
The SeniorScore™ for Abingdon is 84. The city has a median per capita income of $28,000 and a median household income is $43,000 (the Virginia state average is $51,000). The current unemployment rate is about 6.56% and the mean housing price is $162,000, which is significantly lower than the state average of $277,500.
Abingdon has mild mean temperatures, with comfortable winters and balmy summers. The area receives average levels of precipitation annually. In relation to other American cities, Abingdon has excellent air quality ratings and a lower than average rate of crime.