There are 15 skilled nursing facilities near Brentwood, Tennessee. Skilled nursing costs in Tennessee range from about $174 up to $335 per day, with a median expenditure running about $222. The monthly expense averages around $6,660 and ranges between $5,220 and $10,044. Annually, the mean cost is about $79,920, which is under the nationwide average of $91,584.
The cost for skilled nursing in Brentwood can range from around $226 per day up to $389 per day. The average cost is approximately $276 per day, or about $100,740 yearly.
Brentwood is a small city in Williamson County, Tennessee. It is part of the Nashville-Davidson-Murfreesboro-Franklin metropolitan statistical area. While the encompassing statistical area has 1,261,426 residents, there are 49,035 residing in the city itself. People who are 55 and over make up about 26% of the population.
Brentwood has an exceptional SeniorScore™ of 86. The mean housing price in the city is $333,000, which is much higher than the state average of $163,500. Brentwood has a low unemployment rate of approximately 4.18%. The city's mean household income is $114,000 ($56,000 per person), versus the average of $39,000 for the state of Tennessee.
Brentwood has mild mean temperatures, with comfortable winters and balmy summers. The area gets very high levels of precipitation each year. In relation to other cities in the United States, Brentwood has good air quality and an exceptionally low crime rate.