There are 9 skilled nursing facilities serving Brewster, Massachusetts. This includes 1 facility in Brewster and 8 nearby. The average cost per day of skilled nursing in Massachusetts is approximately $415, with costs ranging between $282 and $528 daily. On a per month basis, this equates to an average expense of $12,456, with costs ranging from about $8,460 up to $15,840. The average yearly cost is $149,472, which is above the nationwide average of $91,584.
Located in Barnstable County, Brewster is a small city in Massachusetts. It is part of the Barnstable Town metropolitan area. While the city has 9,679 inhabitants, the surrounding area has a population of 195,813. Those 55 and over represent around 48% of the total community.
Brewster has a good SeniorScore™ of 77. The city's mean household income is $59,000 ($34,000 per capita), versus the average of $73,000 for the state of Massachusetts. The mean home price in Brewster is $678,000, which is higher than the Massachusetts average of $514,500. The city also has a moderate unemployment rate of about 6.35%.
Brewster has extreme average temperatures, with moderate winters and mildly warm summers. The area receives heavy amounts of rainfall each year. Brewster has good air quality ratings and a lower than average crime rate compared to other cities in the US.