There are 8 skilled nursing facilities serving Cadiz, Kentucky. This includes 1 facility in Cadiz and 7 nearby. The mean daily cost for skilled nursing care in Kentucky is $240, with costs running between $194 and $342 daily. On a per month basis, this equates to an average expense of $7,200, with costs ranging from about $5,832 up to $10,260. The mean annual cost is $86,400, which is below the nationwide average of $91,584.
Skilled nursing costs in Cadiz typically range from $182 per day to $336 per day, with an average cost of about $226 per day. That equates to a yearly cost of about $82,344.
Cadiz is a small city in Trigg County in the State of Kentucky. It is part of the Clarksville metropolitan area. While the city is home to 13,422 inhabitants, the surrounding area has a populace of 68,906. The senior community currently comprises about 35% of the overall population.
The SeniorScore™ for Cadiz is 68. The mean home price in the city is $177,000, which is somewhat higher than the Kentucky average of $124,500. Cadiz has an average unemployment rate of roughly 7.91%. The city's mean household income is $43,000 ($23,000 per capita), vs the average of $37,000 for the whole of Kentucky.
Cadiz has mild average temperatures, with comfortable winters and warm summers. The area receives very heavy levels of rainfall each year. In relation to other cities in the US, Cadiz has good air quality ratings and a lower than average rate of crime.