There are 20 skilled nursing facilities serving Columbus, Ohio. This includes 11 facilities in Columbus and 9 nearby. The daily costs for skilled nursing in Ohio range from $166 to $378, with a median expense running approximately $250. The monthly expense averages about $7,488 and ranges between $4,968 and $11,340. Yearly, the median cost is about $89,856, which is under the national average of $91,584.
Costs of skilled nursing in Columbus typically range between $216 per day and $349 per day. The median cost is around $250 per day, or about $91,104 per year.
Located in Franklin County, Columbus is the capital city of the State of Ohio. It is part of the Columbus metropolitan area. With 783,285 inhabitants living within the city itself and 1,451,748 in the encompassing metro area, it is the 2nd biggest city in Ohio. The 55+ community comprises about 21% of the total population.
Columbus has a good SeniorScore™ of 72. The mean housing price in the city is $130,500, which is relatively lower than the state average of $177,000. Columbus also has a high unemployment rate of roughly 10.08%. The city's mean household income is $44,000 ($25,000 on a per capita basis), vs an average of $49,000 for the state of Ohio.
Columbus has moderate average temperatures, with moderate winters and calm summers. The area receives average levels of rainfall each year. Columbus has very low air quality ratings, very low water quality ratings, and a high crime rate in relation to other American cities.