There are 20 skilled nursing facilities serving Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. This includes 1 facility in Cuyahoga Falls and 19 nearby. Skilled nursing costs in Ohio range from about $166 to $378 per day, with an average expense running around $250. The per month expense averages roughly $7,488 and ranges between $4,968 and $11,340. Yearly, the mean cost is around $89,856, which is below the US average of $91,584.
Costs for skilled nursing care in Cuyahoga Falls, OH range between $275 per day and $558 per day. The average cost is around $311 per day, or around $113,442 yearly.
Located within Summit County, Cuyahoga Falls is a small city in Ohio. It is included in the Akron metropolitan area. The encompassing area includes 576,738 people, but there are 47,772 residing within the city limits. The 55+ community currently constitutes approximately 29% of the overall population.
Cuyahoga Falls has a good SeniorScore™ of 75. The city has a mean per capita income of $26,000. The mean household income is $49,000 versus the average of $49,000 for the state of Ohio. The current unemployment rate is approximately 7.37% and the mean housing price is $127,500, which is lower than the state average of $177,000.
Cuyahoga Falls has harsh mean temperatures, with tolerable winters and calm summers. The area receives average amounts of rain each year. In relation to other cities, Cuyahoga Falls has very poor air quality.