There are 11 skilled nursing facilities serving Easton, Pennsylvania. This includes 2 facilities in Easton and 9 nearby. The average cost / day for skilled nursing in Pennsylvania is $326, with costs ranging between $192 and $540 daily. On a monthly basis, this equates to an average cost of $9,792, with costs ranging from around $5,760 to $16,200. The average annual cost is $117,504, which is higher than the nationwide average of $91,584.
Skilled nursing costs in Easton, PA range from around $288 per day to $514 per day, with an average cost of about $458 per day. That equates to a yearly cost of around $167,460.
Easton is a medium sized city in Northampton County, Pennsylvania. It is included in the Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton metro area. While the surrounding metropolitan area contains 605,195 inhabitants, there are 83,703 living inside the city limits. Approximately 27% of the local populace are 55 and over.
Easton has a moderate SeniorScore™ of 68. The average home price in the city is $192,000, which is less than the state average of $213,000. Easton has a moderate unemployment rate of about 8.61%. The city's average household income is $62,000 ($29,000 on a per capita basis), vs the average of $51,000 for the state of Pennsylvania.
Easton has tolerable mean temperatures, with tolerable winters and calm summers. The area receives high amounts of rain annually. In relation to similarly-sized cities, Easton has a moderate crime rate and very poor air quality.