There are 10 skilled nursing facilities serving Fincastle, Virginia. This includes 1 facility in Fincastle and 9 nearby. The daily costs of skilled nursing care in Virginia range from $140 to $479, with a median cost running about $253. The monthly expense averages around $7,596 and ranges between $4,212 and $14,364. On an annual basis, the median cost is about $91,152, which is under the national average of $91,584.
The cost for skilled nursing care in Fincastle generally ranges from around $284 per day up to $918 per day. The average cost is about $330 per day, or about $120,314 per year.
Fincastle is a town in Botetourt County, Virginia. It is included in the Roanoke metropolitan statistical area. While the encompassing metro area is home to 248,640 residents, there are only 4,781 residing in the city limits. The 55-and-over community currently comprises 35% of the total population.
The SeniorScore™ for Fincastle is 76. The city has a mean per capita income of $29,000 and a mean household income is $61,000 (the Virginia state average is $51,000). The current unemployment rate is approximately 5.55% and the mean home price is $372,000, which is relatively higher than the Virginia average of $277,500.
Fincastle has mild average temperatures, with comfortable winters and balmy summers. The area gets average amounts of rain each year. Fincastle has average air quality ratings when compared to similarly-sized cities.