There are 6 skilled nursing facilities serving Fort Pierce, Florida. This includes 1 facility in Fort Pierce and 5 nearby. The median daily cost for skilled nursing in Florida is $276, with costs running between $178 and $528 daily. On a monthly basis, this equates to an average cost of $8,280, with costs ranging from about $5,328 up to $15,840. The median yearly cost is $99,360, which is higher than the national average of $91,584.
The cost of skilled nursing care in Fort Pierce can range from around $272 per day up to $390 per day. The average cost is $328 per day, or around $119,356 yearly.
Fort Pierce is a medium-sized city in Saint Lucie County in Florida. It is part of the Port St. Lucie metro statistical area. Though the encompassing area includes 324,902 inhabitants, there are 89,162 residing in the city limits. The 55-and-over community currently constitutes about 33% of the total population.
Fort Pierce has a good SeniorScore™ of 75. The average home price in the city is $124,500, which is much lower than the state average of $208,500. Fort Pierce also has a high unemployment rate of approximately 14.74%. The city's average household income is $37,000 ($20,000 per capita), compared to the average of $40,000 for the whole of Florida.
Fort Pierce has ideal mean temperatures, with very mild winters and very balmy summers. The city gets very large levels of rain annually. Fort Pierce has exceptional air quality and a very high crime rate compared to other cities in the US.