There are 20 skilled nursing facilities serving Laurel, Maryland. This includes 1 facility in Laurel and 19 nearby. The average cost per day of skilled nursing care in Maryland is approximately $324, with costs running between $198 and $754 daily. On a monthly basis, this equates to a median expenditure of $9,720, with costs ranging from about $5,940 up to $22,608. The average annual cost is $116,640, which is greater than the national average of $91,584.
The cost of skilled nursing in Laurel, MD generally ranges from as little as $276 per day all the way up to $540 per day. The median cost is $398 per day, or about $145,416 per year.
Laurel is a mid-size city in Prince George's County within the State of Maryland. It is part of the Washington-Arlington-Alexandria metro area. It is the seventh largest city in the state, with 102,149 inhabitants living in the city limits and 1,890,860 in the surrounding metropolitan area. Those who are over the age of 55 comprise around 17% of the total community.
Laurel has an above average SeniorScore™ of 77. The mean housing price in the city is $268,500, which is significantly less than the state average of $450,000. Laurel also has a moderate unemployment rate of around 5.05%. The city's mean household income is $82,000 ($37,000 on a per capita basis), vs an average of $75,000 for the whole of Maryland.
Laurel has mild average temperatures, with comfortable winters and pleasant summers. The city gets high levels of rain each year. Laurel has poor air quality and a higher than average crime rate in relation to similarly-sized cities.