There are 20 skilled nursing facilities serving Poulsbo, Washington. This includes 1 facility in Poulsbo and 19 nearby. The mean cost / day of skilled nursing in Washington is approximately $304, with costs ranging between $120 and $434 daily. On a monthly basis, this equates to a mean expenditure of $9,108, with costs ranging from about $3,600 up to $13,032. The mean annual cost is $109,296, which is over the national average of $91,584.
The cost for skilled nursing care in Poulsbo, WA typically ranges from around $391 per day up to $630 per day. The average cost is around $421 per day, or about $153,882 annually.
Poulsbo is a small city in Kitsap County, Washington. The city has a total population of 29,528, with 5,380,824 residents in the encompassing statistical area. Around 31% of the residents are over 55.
The SeniorScore™ for Poulsbo is 72. The city's mean household income is $71,000 ($34,000 on a per capita basis), compared to the average of $51,000 for the entire state of Washington. The mean housing price in Poulsbo is $478,500, which is relatively higher than the state average of $325,500. Poulsbo has an average unemployment rate of around 7.37%.
Poulsbo has moderate mean temperatures, with moderate winters and calm summers. The city gets very high levels of rain annually. Poulsbo has very good air quality ratings, good water quality ratings, and a low rate of crime in relation to other cities in the US.