There are 9 skilled nursing facilities serving Sun Prairie, Wisconsin. This includes 1 facility in Sun Prairie and 8 nearby. The median daily cost of skilled nursing in Wisconsin is around $287, with costs running between $204 and $619 daily. On a per month basis, this equates to a median cost of $8,604, with costs ranging from about $6,120 up to $18,576. The median annual cost is $103,248, which is above the national average of $91,584.
Costs for skilled nursing in Sun Prairie generally range between $283 per day and $419 per day. The median cost is around $312 per day, or about $113,989 annually.
Sun Prairie is a small city in Dane County, Wisconsin. It is part of the Madison metro area. Though the city itself is home to 36,294 residents, the encompassing metro area has a total population of 478,479. The 55-and-over community currently makes up about 20% of the overall population.
Sun Prairie has a medium SeniorScore™ of 69. The city has a median per capita income of $33,000 and a median household income is $70,000 (the Wisconsin state average is $52,000). The current unemployment rate is roughly 5.15% and the median housing price is $163,500, which is significantly less than the Wisconsin average of $234,000.
Sun Prairie has extreme average temperatures, with very cold winters and pleasant summers. The area gets low levels of rainfall each year. In relation to other American cities, Sun Prairie has an exceptionally low crime rate and average air quality ratings.