There are 20 adult daycare facilities serving Chandler, Arizona. This includes 17 facilities in Chandler and 3 nearby. The median daily cost for adult daycare in Arizona is approximately $78, with costs ranging between $62 and $140 daily. On a monthly basis, this equates to a median expense of $2,340, with costs ranging from around $1,860 to $4,200. The median annual cost is $20,345, which is over the national average of $16,900.
The cost of adult daycare in Chandler, AZ generally ranges from $65 per day up to $138 per day. The average cost is about $77 per day, or about $19,890 yearly.
Chandler is a major city in Maricopa County, Arizona. With 4,437,076 inhabitants in the surrounding statistical area and 255,641 residing in the city itself, it is the 6th biggest city in the state. Around 22% of the local residents are over 55.
Chandler has a very high SeniorScore™ of 81. The city has a mean per capita income of $33,000 and a mean household income is $72,000 (the Arizona state average is $36,000). The current unemployment rate is approximately 7.44% and the mean home price is $262,500, which is higher than the Arizona average of $183,000.
Chandler has ideal mean temperatures, with very mild winters and very balmy summers. The area receives optimal amounts of rain annually. In relation to other cities, Chandler has poor water quality, very low air quality, and a low rate of crime.