There are 21 adult daycare facilities serving Scottsdale, Arizona. This includes 7 facilities in Scottsdale and 14 nearby. The median cost per day for adult daycare in Arizona is $78, with costs ranging between $62 and $140 daily. On a monthly basis, this equates to a mean cost of $2,340, with costs ranging from around $1,860 up to $4,200. The median yearly cost is $20,345, which is above the US average of $16,900.
Adult daycare costs in Scottsdale can range from $65 per day up to $138 per day, with a median cost of around $77 per day. That equates to a yearly cost of around $19,890.
Scottsdale is a large city in Arizona. It is located in Maricopa County. It is the fifth largest city in the state. The encompassing area contains 4,437,076 people, but there are 268,597 residing in the city limits. The senior community currently composes around 34% of the overall population.
The SeniorScore™ for Scottsdale is 86. The mean home price in the city is $424,500, which is more than the Arizona average of $183,000. Scottsdale has an average unemployment rate of about 5.55%. The city's mean household income is $80,000 ($50,000 per person), vs the average of $36,000 for the whole of Arizona.
Scottsdale has ideal mean temperatures, with very mild winters and very balmy summers. The area receives optimal amounts of rain annually. Compared to similarly-sized cities, Scottsdale has very low air quality and lower than average water quality ratings.