Frequently Asked Questions
How much is assisted living in New York?
The average price of assisted living in New York is approximately $123 per day (ranging from $41 to $347), $3,684 per month (ranging from $1,217 to $10,413), and $44,205 per year (ranging from $14,604 to $124,956). By comparison, the national averages are $117 per day, $3,500 per month, and $42,000 per year.
How much is assisted living in Spring Valley?
The price of assisted living in Spring Valley, New York averages between $3,280 and $10,050 per-month, with a median of $6,950 (or roughly $83,400 annually).
What is included with assisted living?
Assisted living can be provided in either private or shared rooms. Services generally include incontinence care, help getting dressed, assistance with medication, wellness programs, and help with bathing.
Can I pay for assisted living in Spring Valley with Medicaid?
The following assisted living facilities in Spring Valley take Medicaid as payment: FountainView Care Center, Arcadia Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, The Allendale Community for Senior Living, Boro Park Center For Nursing and Rehab Center, and Field Home .
Are there many seniors in Spring Valley?
Though the encompassing metro area contains 11,131,952 inhabitants, there are 59,048 residing within the city itself. Those over 55 compose about 17% of the community.