Sports for Seniors- Great Low Impact Options
Sports are such an important part of so many people?s everyday lives. However, sports aren?t just for kids or professional athletes, they can be great for seniors as well. Just because someone is entering elderly age, it doesn?t mean that they can?t still enjoy sports. Here are some great low-impact sports for seniors that are fun, a great source of exercise and won?t put seniors in as much of a risk for getting hurt.
Bocce Ball
There are countless bocce ball leagues all over the country, for all different age groups. This sport can be played in the back yard or on a professional court. This is a team sport, where a small ball is rolled onto a playing field and each team tries to throw their individual larger balls as close to this target ball as possible.
Badminton is a great sport for seniors who want to exert a little more energy but who may not be able to handle the activities they once managed. If your loved one used to love to play tennis, then badminton can be a great transition sport for them to try.
Shuffleboard is a great low-impact sport that is easy to play and can be a social activity for many seniors who want to have fun and get a little competitive energy out. Shuffleboard is simple, just use one of the game?s long poles to push flat disks on to the triangular shaped court. Depending on where the disk lands, this is how many points that team scores.
Ping Pong
Ping pong is one of those sports that has just the right amount of movement or activity but no contact, so there isn?t as much of a risk for injury. Ping pong isn?t just for kids, it is a popular activity for seniors as well, which is why you will find ping pong tables in so many assisted living communities. Seniors can play one-on-one against each other, in teams, or even with themselves against a wall.
If you were to combine tennis, badminton and ping pong into one sport, it would be pickleball. This is a great sport for seniors to enjoy together in groups and can be played in teams or as individuals. It can help seniors get up and get moving to get some exercise, but since it is played on a smaller court than tennis, there is less of a risk of injury.
Whiffle Ball
For seniors who love the game of baseball, whiffle ball is a great alternative to America?s past time. With a lightweight ball, lightweight bat and a smaller field, whiffle ball is a fun sport for large groups of seniors to play together. All you need is the bat, the ball, a few bases and a little space. ?Diamonds? can be as small or as large the players want and it is a great activity to play right in the back yard.
Finding the right sport for seniors can help them make friends, have fun, get a little activity and enjoy some friendly competition in the process.
Author Profile

- Lori Thomas has decades of experience as a caregiver. Her writing for is informed by years of research as well as hands-on family experience caring for her now late mother, who had chronic health issues for most of her life. Lori is an integral part of the management team, acting as Vice President of Marketing and Chief Editor.
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