The Surprising Reason Seniors Need to Start Eating More Peanut Butter
For most people, a spoon full of peanut butter is a sweet treat that can help them get through the day or indulge a certain craving. However, this delectable treat actually has a number of very important and very surprising benefits to it. This is especially true for aging elderly adults.
If you want to help find new ways to boost your senior loved one?s health, energy and well-being, then a scoop of peanut butter may be the answer you are looking for. A spoon full of peanut butter can be part of a balanced, healthy diet, and it only adds about 100 calories. Here are some great health benefits that seniors can start enjoying from a little hint of natural peanut butter.
Adding Energy
So many seniors struggle with maintaining their energy levels as they age. All of those proteins and natural carbohydrates in peanut butter can give your senior love one that extra boost of energy they need to live their life with vigor.
Promoting Better Heart Health
Great heart health is very important for every senior, and a daily dose of peanut better can be a great step forward in helping any senior boost their cardiovascular system. This is all thanks to the monosaturated fats that can help with type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Resveratrol, which is an antioxidant, and found in peanut butter can also lower a person?s chances of developing heart disease.
Boosting the Brain
For any senior who needs a little extra brain power as they age, peanut butter may be the key. With a majority of elderly adults struggling with brain-related conditions such as Alzheimer?s and dementia, a little extra brain power can only help. This all comes from the vitamin E and niacin that are found in peanut butter. These two nutrients can actually help slow the cognitive decline that impacts so many seniors today.
Building Strong Muscles
Peanut butter is an excellent source of protein, and just one tablespoon of this creamy concoction has as much protein as an ounce of fish, poultry, and meat. For seniors who are struggling with muscle loss, inflammation or joint pain, adding this protein to the diet is a great start.
If you?re helping your loved one maintain their diet, then give peanut butter a try. All of its health benefits may be just what your senior loved one needs. As for a final, extra bonus?Vanderbilt University recently did a study finding that those who ate more nuts actually had lower death rates, meaning that daily dose of peanut butter may just help seniors live a longer life.
If your loved one doesn?t love the taste of peanut butter, consider trying almond butter, cashew butter or hazelnut butter, they are all great healthy alternatives. Just make sure to check the label and find a spread that isn?t filled with chemicals and preservatives and you can rest assured your loved one will be getting the nutrients they need.
Author Profile
- Kimberly Langdon M.D. is a retired, board-certified obstetrician/gynecologist with 19-years of clinical experience. She graduated from The Ohio State University College of Medicine earning Honors in many rotations. She then completed her OB/GYN residency program at The Ohio State University Medical Center, earning first-place for her senior research project and placed in the 98th percentile on the national exam for OB/GYN residents in the U.S..
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