Tips For Personalizing Any Senior?s Assisted Living Space
If you are helping look after a loved one who needs some type of assisted living, making this transition can be difficult. Whether your loved one is moving into a facility or community, or even a room in your home, when seniors have to move out of their home in order to get the care that they need, the move can be hard.
It is important that as seniors make these changes in their lives that they are able to maintain a space that still feels like their own. It can help make this transition easier and more positive for your loved one and help make their new space feel more like a home.
Fill the Space With Photographs
Nothing makes a room seem like a home quite like filling that space with photographs. Choose some of your loved one?s favorite photos both of their past and from recent events. These photos can go a long way in transforming any space and making it feel much more like a home.
Hang favorite Decorations or Paintings
If your loved one has some favorite paintings, wall hangings or pieces of home d?cor, make sure to add them to the space. You may be surprised to find how much of a difference a single painting or image on a wall can make for your loved one. Little steps like this can make a big impact.
Paint the Walls
You may be surprised to find how far a single can of paint can go. Even many assisted living communities allow their residents to paint their rooms. If your parent loved having blue walls to soothe them to sleep at night in their home, then consider getting out the blue paint and taking this type of step to make them feel more comfortable.
An indoor plant is a great way to make a home feel more welcoming and warm. Also, did you know that adding an indoor plant to a room can actually help improve air quality? There are even studies that suggest that indoor plants can improve mood, meaning you are able to create a happier, more positive environment for your loved one.
Make a Visitor Seating Area
Even if your loved one is living in a room in your home, it is important that they are able to feel as though they are able to have visitors over. This is a little trick that really goes a long way in improving any senior?s personal comfort level. Visitor seating creates the idea that seniors are able to invite people over and can make their space look more like an apartment of their own than a bedroom.
Put Up a Bulletin Board
Install a bulletin board for your loved one on the wall. Here you can encourage them to put cards and letters they receive in the mail, post pictures and add other clippings, stories or items as they wish. This gives your loved one a little more control in what goes up and into their room and it can help them feel as though their space is truly their own.
Author Profile

- Lori Thomas has decades of experience as a caregiver. Her writing for is informed by years of research as well as hands-on family experience caring for her now late mother, who had chronic health issues for most of her life. Lori is an integral part of the management team, acting as Vice President of Marketing and Chief Editor.
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