Vitamins That Every Senior Should Be Adding To Their Regimen
When it comes to maintaining optimal health as we age, one of the best things that any person can do is to take preventative measures to ensure they are as healthy as possible. This should include eating a healthy diet, drinking plenty of water and of course taking the right vitamins and minerals. Vitamins can have a drastically positive impact on any senior, but it is important that seniors are taking the right vitamins as part of their daily regimen.
If you are helping provide care for a senior loved one and they aren?t currently taking vitamins, then it may be time to start. Before beginning any medication, vitamin or mineral, it is important to talk with the loved one?s health care provider first. Then, consider these important vitamins that can help change the health and well-being of any senior.
Vitamin B6
As seniors age, their immune systems tend to weaken and they start to become more susceptible to illnesses and diseases. Vitamin B6 is great for the immune system and it can help seniors form red blood cells. For men, around 1.7 mg of the vitamin per day is average, while women likely need a little less. Of course, in addition to taking this vitamin, seniors may want to consider adding vitamin C as well, a natural known immune-system booster. However, with vitamin C, remember that it is water-soluble, so you will need to take it several times throughout the day for the best results.
Vitamin D
The main way that the body gets Vitamin D is through sun exposure. However, most seniors today are not getting enough of this essential vitamin in their everyday lives. Why is Vitamin D important? Because it helps the body absorb calcium, which is important for seniors who start to experience brittle bones and osteoporosis as they age.
Seniors should be taking between 600-800 IU of Vitamin D per day, and these doses can easily be achieved with a daily supplement. However, seniors can also start adding in fish, milk and natural juices to their diet in order to get all of the Vitamin D that they need. Seniors who are taking Vitamin D for their bones should also consider taking calcium supplements as they will not only help with teeth and bones but can help with cardiovascular health as well.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is one vitamin that most professionals recommend all seniors take. This is because Vitamin B12 is essential to helping the entire body work in the way it should be, yet most seniors aren?t getting enough of this vitamin from their diets alone. Vitamin B12 can help promote better memory, better cognitive function, improve balance, improve neurological health and help keep the red blood cells healthy and functioning as they should. Most seniors can take over 2 mcg of Vitamin B12 per day, while others may consider Vitamin B12 shots if recommended by their doctor.
Keep these vitamins in mind for your senior loved one. They can help make sure that they are getting the nutrients and minerals they need in order to be their healthiest well through their golden years.
Author Profile
- Kimberly Langdon M.D. is a retired, board-certified obstetrician/gynecologist with 19-years of clinical experience. She graduated from The Ohio State University College of Medicine earning Honors in many rotations. She then completed her OB/GYN residency program at The Ohio State University Medical Center, earning first-place for her senior research project and placed in the 98th percentile on the national exam for OB/GYN residents in the U.S..
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