There are 3 home care agencies in Cordova, Tennessee. The costs per day for home healthcare in Tennessee range from $104 up to $256, with an average expense running about $144. The monthly expense averages roughly $4,320 and ranges between $3,120 and $7,680. On an annual basis, the mean cost is about $41,184, which is under the US average of $45,188.
The cost for home health in Cordova, TN ranges from $15 per hour up to $23 per hour. The average cost is $17 per hour, or around $39,125 annually.
Cordova is a medium sized city in Shelby County, Tennessee. It is part of the Memphis metropolitan statistical area. The encompassing metropolitan area includes 817,709 residents, but there are 78,138 living inside the city limits. 20% of the population are 55 and over.
Cordova has a good SeniorScore™ of 76. The city's average household income is $66,000 ($34,000 per person), versus the average of $39,000 for the state of Tennessee. The average housing price in Cordova is $156,000, which is less than the state average of $163,500. Cordova also has a low unemployment rate of about 4.79%.
Cordova has ideal mean temperatures, with very mild winters and balmy summers. The area receives very high amounts of precipitation each year. Cordova has lower than average air quality ratings compared to other cities in the US.