There are 3 home care agencies in Decatur, Alabama. Home healthcare costs in Alabama range from about $104 up to $216 per day, with a mean cost running around $128. The per month expense averages roughly $3,840 and ranges between $3,120 and $6,480. Yearly, the mean cost is around $36,608, which is less than the nationwide average of $45,188.
The cost of home care in Decatur ranges from about $14 per hour all the way up to $16 per hour. The median cost is $16 per hour, or about $35,464 annually.
Located within Morgan County, Decatur is a mid-size city in the State of Alabama. With 64,979 residents residing in the city itself and 123,093 in the surrounding area, it is the ninth biggest city in Alabama. The 55+ community comprises 26% of the total population.
Decatur has a good SeniorScore™ of 73. The average housing price in the city is $78,000, which is significantly lower than the Alabama average of $145,500. Decatur also has a high unemployment rate of roughly 10.51%. The city's average household income is $47,000 ($24,000 per capita), compared to the average of $40,000 for the state of Alabama.
Decatur has mild mean temperatures, with comfortable winters and warm summers. The area gets very heavy amounts of precipitation annually. Decatur has average air quality ratings and a lower than average crime rate compared to similarly-sized cities.