There is 1 home care agency in Lockhart, Texas. The daily costs of home healthcare in Texas range from $72 to $288, with an average expenditure running around $144. The monthly cost averages about $4,320 and ranges between $2,160 and $8,640. Annually, the mean cost is about $41,184, which is below the nationwide average of $45,188.
The cost for in-home care in Lockhart ranges from around $13 per hour all the way up to $29 per hour. The average cost is approximately $22 per hour, or around $49,489 annually.
Located in Caldwell County, Lockhart is a small city in Texas. It is part of the Austin-Round Rock metropolitan statistical area. While the surrounding statistical area is home to 1,275,931 people, there are 17,081 living inside the city. Approximately 24% of the local populace are 55 and over.
Lockhart has a medium SeniorScore™ of 66. The city's mean household income is $45,000 ($19,000 on a per capita basis), vs an average of $47,000 for the whole of Texas. The mean home price in Lockhart is $178,500, which is relatively higher than the state average of $142,500. The city has a high unemployment rate of approximately 12.68%.
Lockhart has ideal mean temperatures, with very mild winters and very temperate summers. The city receives low levels of rainfall each year. Compared to other cities in the United States, Lockhart has a low crime rate, very low air quality, and excellent water quality.