There are 5 home care agencies in Waltham, Massachusetts. The costs per day for in-home care in Massachusetts range from $136 up to $280, with an average cost running about $200. The per month cost averages roughly $6,000 and ranges between $4,080 and $8,400. Yearly, the average cost is about $57,200, which is higher than the nationwide average of $45,188.
Costs for home care in Waltham range between $24 per hour and $29 per hour. The average cost is around $27 per hour, or around $60,632 per year.
Waltham is a medium-sized city in Middlesex County within the State of Massachusetts. It is included in the Boston-Cambridge-Quincy metro statistical area. The city has a total population of 60,632, with 3,325,860 people in the encompassing metropolitan area. The 55-and-over community currently constitutes about 23% of the total population.
Waltham has an above average SeniorScore™ of 74. The city's average household income is $68,000 ($34,000 per capita), in comparison to an average of $73,000 for the entire state of Massachusetts. The average home price in Waltham is $456,000, which is somewhat lower than the state average of $514,500. Waltham has a low unemployment rate of around 4.77%.
Waltham has harsh mean temperatures, with cold winters and pleasant summers. The area receives high amounts of rainfall annually. In relation to other cities in the United States, Waltham has a low rate of crime, exceptional water quality, and better than average air quality.