There are 13 memory care communities serving Georgetown, Ohio. This includes 1 community in Georgetown and 12 nearby. The mean daily cost of memory care in Ohio is $192, with costs ranging between $67 and $473 daily. On a per month basis, this equates to a median cost of $5,757, with costs ranging from around $2,008 up to $14,181. The mean yearly cost is $69,086, which is greater than the national average of $60,900.
Costs of memory care in Georgetown generally range between $1,447 per month and $16,706 per month. The average cost is around $6,782 per month, or around $81,378 yearly.
Located in Brown County, Georgetown is a small city in Ohio. It is included in the Cincinnati-Middletown metro area. While the surrounding metro area includes 1,314,305 people, there are 9,036 living in the city limits. Those over 55 represent approximately 29% of the total community.
Georgetown has a medium SeniorScore™ of 68. The city has an average per capita income of $20,000. The mean household income is $41,000 in comparison to an average of $49,000 for the whole of Ohio. The current unemployment rate is roughly 13.98% and the mean housing price is $183,000, which is higher than the Ohio average of $177,000.
Georgetown has tolerable average temperatures, with tolerable winters and mildly warm summers. The area gets high amounts of rain each year. Georgetown has very poor air quality ratings, very good water quality ratings, and a very low rate of crime in comparison to other American cities.