There are 19 nursing homes serving Camden, South Carolina. This includes 3 in Camden and 16 nearby. The average cost per day for nursing home care in South Carolina is $185, with costs ranging between $133 and $260 per day. On a monthly basis, this equates to a median cost of $5,550, with costs ranging from around $3,990 to $7,800. The average yearly cost is $67,525, which is under the national average of $77,380.
Costs of nursing home care in Camden can range between $170 per day and $325 per day. The median cost is approximately $235 per day, or about $85,775 annually.
Camden is a small city in South Carolina. It is located within Kershaw County and is part of the Columbia metropolitan statistical area. It has a total population of 22,463, with 577,689 residents in the encompassing area. Around 33% of the population are 55 and over.
Camden has a good SeniorScore™ of 70. The average home price in the city is $96,000, which is much lower than the state average of $163,500. Camden has an average unemployment rate of around 8.69%. The city's average household income is $43,000 ($24,000 per person), compared to an average of $37,000 for the whole of South Carolina.
Camden has mild average temperatures, with comfortable winters and balmy summers. The city gets heavy amounts of rainfall annually. Camden has a very high rate of crime and poor air quality ratings in relation to other American cities.