There are 20 nursing homes serving Conover, North Carolina. This includes 1 in Conover and 19 nearby. Nursing home care costs in North Carolina range from around $130 to $283 daily, with an average expenditure running about $203. The monthly cost averages about $6,090 and ranges between $3,900 and $8,490. On an annual basis, the average cost is around $73,913, which is less than the national average of $77,380.
Costs of nursing home care in Conover range between $199 per day and $475 per day. The median cost is about $210 per day, or about $76,559 yearly.
Conover is a small city in Catawba County in North Carolina. It is part of the Hickory-Lenoir-Morganton metropolitan statistical area. Though the surrounding statistical area has 287,467 inhabitants, there are 22,759 living within the city. Approximately 26% of the local residents are 55 and over.
Conover has a good SeniorScore™ of 73. The average housing price in the city is $193,500, which is lower than the North Carolina average of $204,000. Conover also has an average unemployment rate of about 8.21%. The city's average household income is $46,000 ($21,000 per person), compared to an average of $41,000 for the whole of North Carolina.
Conover has mild mean temperatures, with comfortable winters and balmy summers. The area receives very large levels of precipitation each year. Conover has lower than average air quality ratings and a moderate rate of crime compared to other American cities.