There are 20 nursing homes serving Granite Falls, North Carolina. This includes 1 in Granite Falls and 19 nearby. The mean daily cost for nursing home care in North Carolina is about $203, with costs ranging between $130 and $283 per day. On a per month basis, this equates to a median expenditure of $6,090, with costs ranging from around $3,900 up to $8,490. The mean annual cost is $73,913, which is under the national average of $77,380.
Costs for nursing home care in Granite Falls, NC can range between $199 per day and $475 per day. The average cost is approximately $210 per day, or around $76,559 yearly.
Granite Falls is a small city in Caldwell County in the State of North Carolina. It is part of the Hickory-Lenoir-Morganton metropolitan area. While the surrounding metro area is home to 287,467 inhabitants, there are 20,041 living within the city. About 26% of the population are over the age of 55.
Granite Falls has a good SeniorScore™ of 73. The city's median household income is $46,000 ($22,000 per capita), in comparison to the average of $41,000 for the state of North Carolina. The median home price in Granite Falls is $159,000, which is less than the North Carolina average of $204,000. The city has a high unemployment rate of around 10.22%.
Granite Falls has mild mean temperatures, with comfortable winters and balmy summers. The area gets very heavy amounts of precipitation annually. Compared to similarly-sized cities, Granite Falls has subpar air quality ratings and an average rate of crime.