There are 20 nursing homes serving Hernando, Mississippi. This includes 1 in Hernando and 19 nearby. Nursing home care costs in Mississippi range from around $152 up to $276 per day, with a median expenditure running around $204. The per month expense averages around $6,120 and ranges between $4,560 and $8,280. Yearly, the mean cost is around $74,460, which is below the nationwide average of $77,380.
The cost for nursing home care in Hernando ranges from around $175 per day all the way up to $261 per day. The median cost is around $203 per day, or about $74,095 annually.
Hernando is a small city in DeSoto County in the State of Mississippi. It is included in the Memphis metropolitan area. It has a total population of 24,377, with 188,334 inhabitants in the surrounding metro area. About 25% of the local populace are 55 and over.
Hernando has an average SeniorScore™ of 68. The average housing price in the city is $259,500, which is much more than the state average of $114,000. Hernando has an average unemployment rate of roughly 8.33%. The city's average household income is $66,000 ($27,000 per person), in comparison to the average of $34,000 for the state of Mississippi.
Hernando has ideal average temperatures, with very mild winters and temperate summers. The city gets very high amounts of rain annually. In comparison to other cities in the United States, Hernando has average air quality ratings.