There are 20 nursing homes serving Knightdale, North Carolina. This includes 2 in Knightdale and 18 nearby. The daily costs of nursing home care in North Carolina range from $130 to $283, with an average expense running approximately $203. The monthly cost averages around $6,090 and ranges between $3,900 and $8,490. On an annual basis, the average cost is around $73,913, which is under the US average of $77,380.
The cost of nursing home care in Knightdale can range from as little as $195 per day all the way up to $395 per day. The median cost is $210 per day, or about $76,650 yearly.
Knightdale is a small city in Wake County, North Carolina. It is included in the Raleigh-Cary metro statistical area. The encompassing metropolitan area includes 913,040 inhabitants, but there are 23,006 within the city itself. People over 55 constitute about 16% of the total population.
The SeniorScore™ for Knightdale is 75. The city's mean household income is $64,000 ($27,000 per person), versus the average of $41,000 for the whole of North Carolina. The mean home price in Knightdale is $231,000, which is higher than the North Carolina average of $204,000. Knightdale also has an average unemployment rate of around 7.17%.
Knightdale has mild average temperatures, with comfortable winters and balmy summers. The city receives large amounts of rain annually. In comparison to other American cities, Knightdale has very low water quality, very low air quality, and a lower than average crime rate.