There are 20 nursing homes serving La Marque, Texas. This includes 1 in La Marque and 19 nearby. Nursing home care costs in Texas range from around $94 to $260 daily, with a median expense running around $139. The per month cost averages around $4,170 and ranges between $2,820 and $7,800. Yearly, the average cost is about $50,735, which is under the national average of $77,380.
Costs of nursing home care in La Marque, TX range between $155 per day and $300 per day. The median cost is $228 per day, or around $83,038 annually.
La Marque is a small city in Texas. It is located within Galveston County and is part of the Houston-Sugar Land-Baytown metro area. While the city includes 14,308 inhabitants, the surrounding metro area contains a population of 4,526,066. Residents over the age of 55 make up 28% of the total population.
La Marque has an above average SeniorScore™ of 72. The average home price in the city is $121,500, which is relatively less than the state average of $142,500. La Marque has a high unemployment rate of approximately 10.38%. The city's average household income is $45,000 ($22,000 on a per capita basis), compared to the average of $47,000 for the entire state of Texas.
La Marque has ideal average temperatures, with very mild winters and very balmy summers. The area receives large levels of rainfall annually. Compared to other American cities, La Marque has very poor water quality, average air quality ratings, and a high rate of crime.