There are 18 nursing homes serving Meredith, New Hampshire. This includes 3 in Meredith and 15 nearby. Nursing home care costs in New Hampshire range from around $210 to $394 daily, with a mean expenditure running approximately $291. The monthly expense averages around $8,730 and ranges between $6,300 and $11,820. Annually, the mean cost is about $106,215, which is over the US average of $77,380.
Meredith is a small city in Belknap County, New Hampshire. Though the city is home to 6,219 inhabitants, the surrounding metropolitan area contains a populace of 414,257. Those who are 55 and over compose 39% of the total population.
Meredith has an above average SeniorScore™ of 76. The city has a mean per capita income of $35,000. The median household income is $56,000 in comparison to an average of $65,000 for the state of New Hampshire. The current unemployment rate is around 5.86% and the median home price is $441,000, which is somewhat higher than the state average of $358,500.
Meredith has harsh mean temperatures, with very cold winters and mildly warm summers. The city receives heavy levels of precipitation each year. Meredith has good air quality and a low crime rate in relation to other cities in the US.
Located at 353 Baptist Rd, Canterbury Hall is a senior community serving Canterbury, New Hampshire. The community is in a largely upscale area, with a median family income of $78,500. It is sparsely populated, with around 3,000 residents ...
21 miles away from Meredith, NH