There are 20 nursing homes serving St Ann, Missouri. This includes 1 in St Ann and 19 nearby. Nursing home care costs in Missouri range from about $115 to $249 daily, with a median expense running about $145. The per month cost averages around $4,350 and ranges between $3,450 and $7,470. On a yearly basis, the median cost is about $52,925, which is less than the US average of $77,380.
Costs for nursing home care in St Ann typically range between $130 per day and $380 per day. The median cost is around $190 per day, or around $69,350 per year.
Located within St. Louis County, St Ann is a small city in Missouri. The encompassing statistical area includes 133,682 inhabitants, but there are 15,164 residing within the city. About 23% of the population are 55 and over.
St Ann has an above average SeniorScore™ of 77. The city has a median per capita income of $21,000 and a median household income is $38,000 (the Missouri state average is $43,000). The median home price in St Ann is $150,000, which is relatively lower than the state average of $153,000. The city also has a high unemployment rate of around 10.34%.
St Ann has mild mean temperatures, with comfortable winters and calm summers. The area gets average levels of precipitation each year. St Ann has a moderate crime rate, exceptional water quality ratings, and very low air quality ratings in relation to other cities in the United States.