There are 20 nursing homes serving Wathena, Kansas. This includes 1 in Wathena and 19 nearby. The average cost / day for nursing home care in Kansas is $160, with costs running between $125 and $251 per day. On a monthly basis, this equates to a mean expenditure of $4,800, with costs ranging from around $3,750 up to $7,530. The average yearly cost is $58,400, which is under the nationwide average of $77,380.
The cost of nursing home care in Wathena can range from around $150 per day up to $185 per day. The median cost is $162 per day, or around $59,221 per year.
Located in Doniphan County, Wathena is a town in the State of Kansas. It is included in the St. Joseph metro area. Though the city includes just 2,520 residents, the encompassing metropolitan area has a total population of 5,332. Around 31% of the residents are over the age of 55.
Wathena has an excellent SeniorScore™ of 84. The city's median household income is $43,000 ($24,000 per capita), versus the average of $48,000 for the state of Kansas. The median housing price in Wathena is $145,500, which is higher than the Kansas average of $127,500. The city has a moderate unemployment rate of approximately 5.61%.
Wathena has medium average temperatures, with medium winters and pleasant summers. The city gets low amounts of rainfall annually. Wathena has lower than average air quality and a lower than average rate of crime in comparison to other cities.