We collect and verify reviews directly from users on our website. We have also included results from around the Web to give you the clearest overall picture of how this provider performs.
by mary on SeniorAdvice.com 02/18/2021
My Husband was in the end of July and he was there from 4:30 pm to 8:15 when I was talking to the nurse and she said they just find him on the floor that he fall out of the bed. I told them He needed a MRI but they said he was fine. This went on for 4 days and Thank God I ended up getting him to the hosp. because he was having seizures for 4 days and they did not know he was having .If you love your love ones pick another one.
by mwhiatker on SeniorAdvice.com 03/23/2020
cannot write a review. I have to agree with lack of care, multiple mistakes in care, lack of care, inappropriate medication, severe shift of nurses and assistants not knowing the patients causing the demise. I agree totally with the review first written. they should not be caring for a dog no less a human being.
by LaurieLaFreniere RN BSN on SeniorAdvice.com 04/07/2019
Understaffed for resident acuity. Proficient caring nurse aides generally leave, lots of agency staff that does not know residents. Unit director lacks management skills,basically your RIP till retirement does not address issues timely or appropriately.Continue to serve my father egg which he is allergic too despite it being documented on each meal slip. Treat him with Benadryl.Family feeds him meals twice a day. Otherwise he will not get fed. Negligent care. Only reason he is there is because my elderly mother wants him nearby. Stay far away from there long term care units
Ratings and Reviews from Around the Web
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Medicare Health Rating: | |
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Medicare Staff Rating (All Staff): | |
Medicare RN/Nurses Rating: | |