There are 18 respite care facilities serving Everett, Washington. This includes 11 facilities in Everett and 7 nearby. The costs per day for respite care in Washington range from $145 up to $525, with a median cost running about $367. The per month expense averages about $11,006 and ranges between $4,350 and $15,747. Yearly, the median cost is around $92,345, which is over the nationwide average of $77,380.
Everett is a medium sized city in Snohomish County in Washington. It is the 5th biggest city in Washington. The surrounding metropolitan area has 5,380,824 people, but there are 168,159 living in the city itself. 20% of the residents are over 55.
The SeniorScore™ for Everett is 68. The city's mean household income is $57,000 ($27,000 per capita), in comparison to the average of $51,000 for the whole of Washington. The mean home price in Everett is $229,500, which is lower than the state average of $325,500. The city has a high unemployment rate of roughly 9.13%.
Everett has extreme mean temperatures, with tolerable winters and pleasant summers. The city receives heavy levels of rainfall annually. In comparison to other cities in the United States, Everett has a moderate rate of crime, above average water quality, and exceptional air quality ratings.